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A Connecticut River Valley Doorway  

    In June 2010 I was asked by the  owner/ contractor of the Noah Parsons  House  reconstruction project,
to create a new  entry for this historic building.

    The Noah Parsons house,  originally built in 1755 in Northampton, Massachusetts, was disassembled in
 2003 and taken to New Hampshire to be rebuilt. That project was never  started.
    John B. Otis, a restoration contractor from Goshen, Massachusetts,  was contacted by the then owner of the Parsons house and ended up purchasing it. He is currently rebuilding it  in Williamsburg, Massachusetts, on Village Hill Rd.

                                                                       The Noah Parsons house is being rebuilt to a  high degree of authenticity  while meeting current building codes
  in all aspects.

    There was no documentation for the original entry of the Noah Parsons house. I  designed  an interpreted
  entry using  field measurements taken at Historic Deerfield, as well as data in the book, “Connecticut River Valley
Doorways, an eighteenth century flowering”
by Amelia F. Miller. The available space indicated that a
Flat-Top Doorway was needed to achieve  proper proportions on  the front  elevation .

    This doorway is built of Eastern White Pine with a White Oak threshold. Reproduction Bulls-eye glass  is from
Blenko Glass Co. The unit is weather stripped to contemporary standards using  high quality silicone seals from
Conservation Technology. Hardware is a mix of authentic period pieces and  hand forged reproductions.

    It is , I think, an attractive element that ties in nicely to this historic home.